

Public Internet Use

We currently have 3 public computers, and a dedicated Job Service Computer for use. The public computers are available to patrons to use.  We limit use to one hour unless prior approval is given for job search or educational work.

Erie City Public Library has public free Wi-Fi available. It can be accessed inside the building and in the area around the library.


Equipment Use

  • Copier: Our copier is used by staff for patron use.  We charge $.15 per page for copies in black and white only.
  • Printing: Patrons can print from the computer for $.15 per page and is in black and white only.
  • Faxing: Staff will fax documents for patrons for $1.00 per document.  Our fax number is (620) 244-5119.
  • Scanning:  Staff can scan documents onto a flash drive or emailed as an attachment for $1.00 per scan.
  • Microfilm: Microfilm is available for use for free.  Any copies made from the microfilm are charged at $.15 per page.  Microfilm is available in the genealogy room.  Spools of film are not to leave the library.


Interlibrary Loan

The Erie City Public Library is part of the South East Kansas Library System and is able to easily loan and borrow from the member libraries.  We can also borrow from other parts of the state.  Books are checked out for 3 weeks.


EPL Hotspot Lending Program

The Erie City Public Library has established a Wi-Fi hotspot lending program to provide temporary and portable high-speed internet access at home for all Erie library card holders. You must be 18 years or older to check one out.


In order to borrow a Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot, you must meet the following guidelines:

  • You must be 18 or older, have a valid EPL library card, and show a current photo ID with proof of address.
  • Borrower must have an EPL library card and be in good standing with the library.
  • Lending Agreement must be signed every time a hotspot is checked out.
  • One (1) hotspot per household at a time. Up to five (5) devices can be connected to a hotspot at the same time.
  • The Library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment or who are repeatedly late in returning electronic devices.



  • Hotspots may be checked-out for 7 days.
  • Overdue Hotspots will be deactivated within 24 hours of the due date.
  • Hotspots may not be renewed; after 24 hours, borrower may place another hold.
  • Hotspots must be returned to a staff member at the Circulation Desk, and not placed in the indoor OR outdoor drop boxes. Any hotspots returned in the indoor OR outdoor drop boxes will result in a $25 charge and hotspot borrowing privileges suspended.
  • Each hotspot comes with simple instructions and tech support contact information.


Rules and Limitations:

  • Hotspot cases include the following items: Hotspot device, case, charge cord, wall adapter, simple instructions and tech support contact information.
  • Under no circumstances will the) borrower, including their heirs use the hotspot or permit the hotspot be used in furtherance of any crime or fraud, accessing, viewing, or transmission of pornographic content, illegal or unauthorized accessing or use of data,
    bullying or harassment (including cyber-bullying), malicious internet activities (including hacking), or any unlawful activities of any kind.
  • Any violation of the terms or conditions set forth or referenced in this document may result in the possession or use of the hotspot being restricted, suspended, or terminated, with or without prior notice, at the sole discretion of EPL.
  • EPL assumes no liability for any material accessed on the Wi-Fi hotspot. borrower, including their heirs and assigns, agree that they will release, forever discharge, indemnify, defend, and hold EPL harmless from any and all claims arising from the borrower, misuse, or possession of the mobile hotspot issued to the borrower pursuant to this Agreement including but not limited to any and all damages whatsoever kind or nature.
  • The Mobile Hotspot should be kept in a temperature-controlled environment; DO NOT leave the mobile hotspot it in your car. Do not expose the hotspot to moisture, open flames, or abrasives (i.e. sand). Do not drop hotspot.
  • Do not leave the Hotspot plugged in. Once it is fully charged, unplug it and let the battery run down before charging again. Please return the Hotspot fully charged.
  • The patron is responsible for costs associated with loss, theft, or damage of the Mobile Hotspot and/or peripherals. If this does occur, the borrower agrees to contact the library immediately.
  • Abuse of the Mobile Hotspot program will result in a loss of borrowing privileges.
  • The borrower may not make any alterations to hardware, or software of the mobile hotspot.

Erie City Public Library

204 South Butler
Erie, KS 66733

► Library Hours

Mon - Fri : 8am - 12pm; 1pm - 5:30pm

► Phone

(620) 244-5119

Our Location

Erie, KS Weather

Erie, KS
clear sky
humidity: 56%
wind: 5mph N
H 23 • L 3
Weather from OpenWeatherMap